– Membership of SFW entitles members to the following:

  1. Allocation of an SFW Delta number.
  2. Access to the SFW Radio System.
  3. Such further aid and assistance as may become necessary.
  4. Participation on the SFW Emergency WhatsApp group.
  5. Participation on the SFW General Chat WhatsApp group.
  6. Invitations to SFW events and updates regarding other events or security incidents in the area.


In order to become a member of the Summerveld Farm Watch, annual fees are payable on receipt of invoice and it is essential for the online database form to be completed. All information for the e-mail list and participation on the WhatsApp groups is taken from this form. If your information is needing to be updated, you may refill in the form at any time. The link for the form is as follows:




Every property in the area is allocated a Delta number (D no.). This serves as your properties identification and is not associated with your street address. A Summerveld area map is provided, displaying all properties and corresponding D numbers. This number is to be used when making reference to your property, such as, when calling for help in the case of an emergency.




The SFW Radio System forms a major part of our primary function as a farm watch, namely safety and security. The SFW provides a repeater and radio network to establish communication in the case of any emergencies. Please remember to state your Delta number when you do a radio call, in order to enable back-up to easily find you and assist.


The SFW radio frequency is changed every year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) – This expense is covered by the SFW. Purchasing of radios is for your own account. Our preferred radio service providers are Comm Radio. They supply a variety of radios and spares and have authorisation to put the SFW frequency onto your radio, provided your SFW membership is up to date. Comm Radio can be contacted on 031 266 0370.


Radio calls are conducted daily at 6.15am to ensure our radios are in working order. There are 3 different cells/ sub- groups and each has a cell leader who calls out the respective D No’s within their cell area (refer to attached Summerveld are map for your respective cell number). Please inform your cell leader once you have received your radio. Plus notify them prior should you be unable to answer your radio for whatever reason:

Cell 1 = Karen Samuel (D35) 083 799 2013

Cell 2 = Pam Crompton (D77) 082 367 8274

Cell 3 = Jenny Dempsey (D124) 082 802 2820

Relevant incidents or future events are also announced at the start of the morning radio call. Please note, it is not compulsory for you to take part in the morning radio calls.



As a SFW member, you will have access to both SFW WhatsApp groups, namely SFW Emergency and SFW General Chat. As the name suggests, the SFW Emergency WhatsApp group is for emergency and need-to-know information ONLY, such as updates on safety, security & urgent matters. Please note that you are encouraged to use the radio system as your first go-to, in the case of an emergency, rather than only using the WhatsApp group. The SFW General Chat WhatsApp group can be used for other discussions and matters pertaining to the area.




The area of Summerveld is a Blue Zone and the SFW works closely with Blue Security. We participate in the Blue special project that provides a dedicated patrol vehicle from 6pm to 6am each day. The Blue dedicated vehicle has also been fitted with an SFW radio, for use by Blue dedicated vehicle members (Special Project Members) only. The radio can be used in emergencies in the evenings versus telephoning the Blue emergency number. Blue will test the radio each evening at 7pm with the SFW Head of Security to ensure it is working.

 To join and for further details/ options please contact Brett Beket  (Our Blue Security area manager): 064 577 4158,




Another resource for emergencies & membership is SACAN. Details for more info, how to join & various services offered are: Admin No: 0861 623 646/ SACAN SOS No: 0861 672 226 (for SACAN members).




The SFW is run by a committee of members, who serve in a voluntary capacity. If you are interested in becoming a committee member, please contact the Chairman or Secretary directly. Committee members are required to be available for regular meetings concerning the security and safety of the area. A new Chairman is voted/ re-voted in annually. Please find a list of our current committee members below:



Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information and queries.

Yours in safety and security,

The Summerveld Farm Watch committee


Summerveld Watch Radio Rules

Here is the basic etiquette a radio use needs to understand as it will help improve the effectiveness of the farm watch two-way radio.

Radio calls 

Over and above the daily radio check there will be a month check 

All radio users are encouraged to participate in the monthly check, 7pm, 1st Wednesday of the month

Radio coordinator (contract them to join the calls)

Jenifer  Cell 3 082 802 2820
Pam  Cell 2 082 367 8274
Karen  Cell 1 083 799 2013

Basic Two-Way Radio Etiquette Rules:

  • The radio language is English
  • When using a two-way radio you cannot speak and listen at the same time, as you can with a phone.
  • Don’t interrupt if you hear other people talking. Wait until their conversation is finished
    unless it is an emergency. If it is an emergency, inform the other parties that you have a urgent emergency message (see “Emergency Calls” below).
  • Do not respond if you aren’t sure the call is for you. Wait until you hear your call name/D number to respond.
  • Perform radio checks to ensure your radio is in good working condition. 
    • Ensure the battery is charged and the power is on.
    • Keep the volume high enough to be able to hear calls.
    • Regularly make radio checks to make sure everything is working and that you are still in range to receive signals.
  • Past map of the farm watch D number by your radio to help you communicate with other farm watch members 
  • Think before you speak. 
    • Decide what you are going say and to whom it is meant for.
    • Make your conversations as concise, precise, and clear as possible.
    • Avoid long and complicated sentences. If your message is long, divide it into separate shorter messages.
    • Do not use abbreviations unless they are well understood by your group.

4 Golden Rules fo Radio Communication

  1. Clarity
    Your voice should be clear. Speak a little slower than normal. Speak in a normal tone, do not shout.
  2. Simplicity
    Keep your message simple enough for intended listeners to understand.
  3. Brevity
    Be precise and to the point.

General Terms                Meaning

Radio Check What is my signal strength? Can you hear me?
Go Ahead You are ready to receive transmission.
Stand-by You acknowledge the other party, but I am unable to respond immediately.
Roger or Ten Four Message received and understood.
Negative Same as “No”.
Affirmative Same as “Yes”. Avoid “yup” or “nope” as they are difficult to hear.
Say Again Re-transmit your message.
Over Your message is finished.
Out All conversation is finished, the channel is clear for others to use.
Break, Break, Break You are interrupting in the middle of communication because you have an emergency.
Read You Loud & Clear Response to “Radio Check”. Means your transmission signal is good. Al- so use ” Read you 5-by-5″.
Come in You are asking the other party to aknowlege they hear you.
Copy You understand what was said
Wilco Means “I will comply”.
Repeat Used before you repeat something. ex: “I require 9-5,
repeat 9-5, gallons of diesel fuel. Over.”

Phonetic Alphabet

It is almost certain that you will have to use the phonetic alphabet in your conversations over a two-way radio. Many letters and words sound alike so in order to make sure you are communcating clearly you can use the phonetic equivalents of letters that are often confused such as ‘F’ and ‘S’, ‘T’ and ‘C’, or ‘M’ and ‘N’.

A – Alpha

B – Bravo

C – Charlie

D – Delta

E – Echo

F – Foxtrot

G – Golf

H – Hotel

I – India

J – Juliett

K – Kilo

L – Lima

M – Mike

N – November

O – Oscar

P – Papa

Q – Quebec

R – Romeo

S – Sierra

T – Tango

U – Uniform

V – Victor

W – Whiskey

X – X-ray

Y – Yankee

Z – Zulu
